
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Falling Down

I have recently uploaded what I'm calling a pre-demo version of my song "Falling Down" to my SoundClick page ( http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=699474&songID=5324434 ).

This song was created over a decade ago by me when I got my first "professional" quality acoustic guitar (a 1977 Martin D-28).  I'm a keyboardist not a guitarist, but I have fun making sounds, noises and chords on the guitar.  I started with a basic chord pattern and liked it.  Then I switched to my Fender mexi-Strat, ran it through some delay and a little bit of distortion (for that U2 / The Edge feel).  The chord pattern was droning in my brain and I started to improvise some lyrics.  I liked them too since they felt like they matched the feel of the song.  Soon I had an entire lyric written.  And nothing happened musically with that song for the next ten years.

Next, life happened.  I got married. Graduated from college.  Started my professional career.  Began raising children.  Etc.  "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon.

Now I use computers to record my song ideas and I've finally started towards the path of completing all my song ideas.  Thank you God for silicon chips!  ... and reverb/delay, tube amp simulation, drum kit samples, free stuff and chocolate (oh yeah and also for my wife and children who have been my distraction from music for a decade!)

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